Industries We’ve Helped

Our food safety strategies are effective in virtually all aspects of the food industries, from food processing to storage, distribution and agricultural environments. We offer pathogen remediation for environmental and food applications.

Microbial Prevention and Remediation in Food Processing Facilities

There are millions of cases of foodborne pathogens causing harm to humans and animals every year, costing billions of dollars in health care. Food processing industry companies have many pieces of equipment that are extremely difficult to fully clean and sanitize and harbor bacteria, in some cases even pathogenic bacteria.


One contaminated lot of food could quickly cause widespread contamination through your entire facility. Agricultural environments also present microbiomes that can be extremely difficult to control. Pathogens like Salmonella, Listeria and E. coli, can be found naturally in the environment, on animals and in the soil. These pathogens can easily enter a facility by arriving on raw ingredients, animals, or employees and can be a source of contamination. Detection and remediation can be a time consuming process resulting in loss of production and eventually profit.

Our probiotic blends are developed to target specific pathogens to keep your food healthy and safe. We can customize our unique Pre-Liminate™ probiotic blends and tailor them for your specific environment and food product, providing exactly the protection you need.

Learn More about our Pre-Liminate Customized Probiotics


Lab Testing Services for Processing Plants

Food safety testing covers a variety of tests including Aerobic Plate Count (APC), coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae (Ebac), Yeast and Mold, indicator organisms, and pathogens such as Salmonella, Listeria, and E.coli, and many others. Pathogens occur naturally in the environment and can be easily introduced into a food facility in a variety of ways such as by employees or pests, and from raw ingredients. If your company receives a presumptive positive test results for any pathogen, you may find it difficult to easily identify the source of contamination and correct the defect. If a company fails to conduct proper microbiological testing of food products, contaminated food can release those risks into commerce. If the contaminated food product is ingested by consumers, it can result in a massive outbreak of foodborne illness, damage to brand reputation, loss of customers’ trust and even death of consumers.

Food safety bacteria testing

Log10’s has a laboratory that operates under and is accredited in ISO 17025 standards using method approved food safety testing, ensuring maximum confidence in analytical reported results. Lab tests accurately identify pathogens like Campylobacter, Staphylococcus, E. coli and more, allowing you to take the necessary actions to remediate your facility’s contamination defect.

Learn More about Our Analytical Lab Testing

Food Safety Training and Safety Plan Consultation Services

Our training and consultation services can benefit companies at all levels of the food industry. If you manage an animal feed processing facility, our expert consultants can help you with the detection and remediation of microbial contamination, Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP’s), FSMA Preparedness, Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) Development, and many other services including a one-day Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Training course, fully accredited by the International HACCP Alliance and conducted at your location. We can even customize the course to best suit your process and product.

Speak to a Food Safety Consultant

Foodborne Illness Prevention and Control Across Food Service Industries

Effective food safety and preventive controls are the responsibility of every company in the pet feed industry. In addition to concerns about the health and safety of the end consumer, the public’s assessment of the quality of your brand’s reputation heavily based on your consistency of providing food that’s safe to eat.

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